Tuesday, April 21, 2009

38 week check-up

This morning, Russell and I went to the doctor for my 9 1/2 month check-up. I have now dilated to 2 1/2 centimeters and 70% effaced. We are very excited about the progress. The doctor went ahead and stripped my membranes which was not bad at all. I did my own research about it over the weekend and I was a little nervous. But, it was fine. This can really get things going for some people so we'll see how it works for me. If nothing has happened by next Tuesday we will try again and I think the "procedure" will be a little more aggressive. As for the induce date, we are leaving it at May 6th. I think Russell really wanted it to be next week but I think Jackson will come by the due date if we give him time. If not, May 6th it is! This is very exciting!


Kerry said...

I predict that Baby Jackson will be here by April 26th. You look so cute!

Rachel said...

I am so excited for you two! Thanks for keeping us posted!

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