Wednesday, April 22, 2009

In the nick of time

The crib is in! The crib is in! I got a phone call today to let me know that Jackson's crib has finally arrived. Russell will be picking it up this afternoon. We are very excited that the crib made it before Jackson and without much time to spare!

Since our doctor visit yesterday, I have had alot of contractions and last night I lost my mucous plug (sounds gross, I know, but it's a fact of life). Of my four pregnancy books that I am currently consulting, I gather that losing the mucous plug can mean that labor will be starting immediately or labor could still be a few days (possibly weeks) away. Nevertheless, these symptoms lead me to believe that my cervix has likely dilated more since my appointment yesterday.

All of this excitement is really wearing me out! My court reporter and I are close. She is Catholic and a mother of a 5 year old. She had a very difficult pregnancy and she has been very supportive for me. When I got to work this morning, she brought me a prayer book for mothers. I thought it was so sweet and it truly could not have been a better morning considering my exhaustion and anxiety. I read a few of the prayers and it really put things in perspective for me . . . God will take care of Jackson, Russell, and I and we don't need to worry about anything.

If that message doen't make someone feel relief, I don't know what would! Keep us in your prayers and pictures of the nursery will follow as soon as we can get the crib together. We'll see if Jackson can hold off long enough!


killebrews said...

Good luck in the coming days, Mandi! Here's hoping Jackson doesn't give you too much trouble on his way to meet you. XOXO

Kerry said...

Princess...I'm so excited. I told you that he'd be here by the end of the weekend. I lost my plug on Tuesday and Lauren was here on Friday. Yea Jackson!!!!

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