Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Countdown to our (Catholic) wedding day!

Saturday is our 5 year anniversary. I can't believe it! Over 5 years ago, Russell went through RCIA, the process of becoming a Catholic. During that year, we got engaged. Growing up (very) Catholic, I thought we would definitely be married by a priest - especially since Russell converted. Nevertheless, on a quick Christmas break trip to Austin, I found an amazing location for our wedding. The only problem it that a priest could not marry us in that location, we had to get married in a church. The closest Catholic church was about 45 minutes away and since I was in my last semester of law school, studying for the ethics bar exam and soon to be preparing for the Mississippi Bar Exam, I decided to forgo the church wedding and get married at my dream location, Villa Antonia.

Needless to say, my father wasn't so happy with this and, to be honest, neither was I. However, at that time in my life, compromises had to be made to have a destination wedding and to graduate from law school with my sanity in tact. I don't think I was the Bridezilla at all (at least not until the week before the wedding, mere days after taking the bar exam). Luckily we had a wedding coordinator who made suggestions and I didn't questions things. I let my mom make any remaining decisions. I was even nonchalant with the wedding dress (the most important part for most gals). I picked the very first dress that I tried on without looking anywhere else. So, I think I was easy going. To me, it was just a wedding, not the event of the century. After all, the truly most important part was the commitment that Russell and I were making.

So, that gets me to my point. During this planning, we spoke with Deacon Frank who was conducting Russell's RCIA class. He said not to worry, he would marry us (in the church) as soon as we returned from the wedding. Great! Crisis averted! Well, when we returned from the honeymoon, Deacon Frank was quite sick and remained so for a while. As times passed, the church wedding was put on the back burner and before you know it, we were off to Texas. Five years later . . .

As our five year anniversary approached, I knew it was time to officially get married in the Catholic Church. When most little girls picture their wedding, I am sure there are many different dreams. For me, when I thought of my wedding, I always pictured my parents wedding. Obviously, I wasn't there but I have a picture from their wedding. I can almost picture it as if I was there because they were married in a church where I completed all of my sacraments, thus far. A very special church. Well, it is time to complete another sacrament, the sacrament of Marriage. I am so excited just writing that because this has been a long time coming. So, back in May, we meet with our priest here in Lubbock. I thought it would be very special if we could complete the Sacrament of Marriage on our 5 year anniversary. I must say, I think I have spent more time preparing for this wedding that the last! Alot of work goes into a Catholic wedding (and those Catholic gals know what I am talking about). Not just little details, but many decision regaridng specific prayers, readings, vows, and blessings.

Keep us in your prayers as a very special day approaches for us. This is not about frills but this day will truly be about the commitment that Russell and I made 5 years ago and reaffirming that commitment in the Catholic Church.


Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

Oh, Mandi, that is so great. I know how special this will be for you and Russell and I am so excited for you both.

BGrace said...

That is wonderful! I am very happy for you two! I must say that I tell people about your gorgeous wedding all the time. Your destination location was absolutely breathtaking!

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