Friday, August 20, 2010

Baby boy has strep

Russell has been super busy this week and stayed the night out a couple nights. So, yesterday we picked up Jackson early from daycare for family time. We could tell immediately that he wasn't his playful self. We came home and started reading books. My mommy instincts kicked in and I told Russell we needed to go to the doctor. In the back of my mind I thought I might be overreacting but I wanted to go get him checked out. Good thing! The doctor said it looked like we caught it early. We got him some meds and a whole lot of TLC.

Fortunately, I don't have to be anywhere today so I am with Boo. He woke up and seemed back to his old self. I think we did catch it early. Since he was better, Boo and I went shopping to take advantage of Texas tax free weekend. Boo and I picked out some super cute clothes for fall including his first "Big Brother" shirt. Lots of prayers that Jackson continues to feel better (and that Russell and I don't catch it)! The night before, Jackson and I were sharing Popsicles so I keep waiting for the symptoms to hit . . .

1 comment:

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

Oh no! Poor Jackson. I'm hoping he starts feeling better soon and that it doesn't spread.

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