Monday, August 18, 2008

I could get used to this

Yesterday, Russell and I spent the afternoon at the country club. We played golf. Well, actually Russell played golf and I rode around with him in the cart snacking on the goodies the club has to offer. I actually did putt when he got to some of the greens. And I even drove the cart toward the end. The weather was really pleasant outside and the course was nice. I haven't seen many golf courses but the grass was really green, there were squirrels running around, nice houses to look at, ponds and creeks and lots of plants. I really had a good time and Russell said we could even bring Maggie next time. I have a feeling Russell will make friends soon enough and I won't get to go very often. That's okay. I could tell he was very excited to have joined the country club and to have such easy access to activities the club has to offer. If there is a next time for me, I'll take my camera.

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