Monday, February 15, 2010

Poor Boo Boo has the flu

Even though Jackson got the flu shot, he came down with the nasty bug, anyways. What a disappointment to have to suffer through the shot and the virus. Jackson hasn't been himself for a few days but we thought some of his clinginess was attributed to beginning daycare. Who knows?

Last night he came down with a fever and around 1:30 it was 103 degrees. Super scary for first time parents! Luckily our pediatrician has an on-call nurse who happily answered all my questions at 2:00 am. She reassured us that 103 is not that uncommon and gave us pointers on getting the temp down. Amazingly, we woke up at 4:30 am and his temp was back to normal. Relief!

Of course, I called the doctor first thing to make an appointment. Even if he was better, we still needed to have a discussion with the doctor on pointers for handling a high fever! When faced with these situations, I just want to head for the emergency room. Thanks to Robin, the nurse, for preventing that drama!

Anyways, the doctor checked Jackson out and determined he had the regular flu. He spirits were up at the doctor and he pointed out that was a good sign. We got prescriptions for the whole family since we knew it would be a matter of time before I came down with it if we didn't take preventive measures. Luckily, Russell got the flu shot but, like Jackson, who knows if it will suffice.

Lots of prayers for our little angel! It looks like it will be a rough few days but we will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

poor Jackson. That sucks that y'all had the flu shot & he still got sick. I hope he is feeling better.

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