Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Future District Attorney

Yesterday morning I got a phone call from my court partners. Monday's trials got cancelled and they wanted me to bring Jackson to work. So, Jackson and I went to the office yesterday afternoon. I thought we would only be there for a little while but we were there almost two hours. We visited with my boss and court partners and then we went to the judge's chambers to visit. Jackson was an angel, of course, and slept almost the entire time.

During my pregnancy we all joked that Jackson was a future district attorney. He would always kick and make his presence known during trial as if he was excited. Also, the first week I was on maternity leave, my court lost two trials and had one hung jury which is really strange for our court. We usually win all our trials. So, for nine months, Jackson was definitely our good luck charm because we were on a roll with wins.

Anyways, when we were about to leave, I realized that we had not taken any pics but I was exhausted at that point. We will go back for another visit in a few weeks so we will take pics then.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

Can you please have Russell take some pictures of you with Jackson please? All we ever see is him with the baby. Jackson will want pictures one day of him with his mommy. You can never have enough of those!

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