Thursday, September 25, 2008

Maybe Baby

Last Saturday, Russell and I attended a Maybe Baby luncheon at one of the hospital's we are considering for the birth of the baby. The luncheon consisted of a brief presentation and tour of the baby unit of the hospital. The hospital has some great things to offer. The only negative is that this hospital is about 15 to 20 minutes away from the house. The other hospital is only about 5 minutes from the house. Nevertheless, the hospital is a level4 ICU unit, offers free classes if you give birth at the hospital, a breastfeeding consultant available 24 hours a day and even a celebratory dinner for the new mommy and daddy which includes steak and lobster. Russell really liked the hospital and I love all the classes they offer (not to mention the fact that they would be free). In the next few weeks, we will tour the other hospital and, hopefully, make a decision. One decision down, only millions more to go!

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