Monday, April 30, 2012

Annabelle's first day in her new class

Today, Annabelle starts her new class. She is starting a month early because she is so advanced. She holds her color. She actually loves to color. She is running and clapping with the music. She loves to dance. We are so proud of her. She actually went to visit the new class last week and the teachers said she did great. No tears! This morning, Russell took her and again, no tears. They do have some pretty fabulous toys in her new class so I am sure that helps.

This morning, she was feeding her baby doll a bottle. It was so cute. Every few seconds, she would take a bite of the bottle herself. So sweet!
I took this pic on her last day of her old class. This is her teacher, Miss Paige who we loved. She was so good with the kiddos and she loves Annabelle. I am glad Miss Paige is right across the hall so she can still see Annabelle.

1 comment:

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

yay, Annabelle, moving on up! And Happy Birthday, Jackson! The family pic with your parents - where your dad and Jackson are making hte same face - is awesome!

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