Friday, April 30, 2010

12 month doctor check-up

This morning, we went for Jackson's 12 month check-up. Unfortunately, he had to get 3 shots. Ugh! He is such a trooper about it. He cries for a few seconds and he even let the nurse rub his back when it was over. Nurse Robin said most children won't allow her to do that after the shots. I guess they are too upset with her.

On a lighter note, Jackson weighs 25.4 pounds and he is 29 1/2 inches tall. As for the weight, I am not sure if that is completely correct. Jackson is not a fan of the scale. The time before last, at the doctor, Jackson weighed 27 pounds and we were shocked how much he grew because he was only 24 pounds a few weeks earlier. The last time, he was 24 pounds and the doctor said the 27 pounds must have been a mistake. (He actually said that someone must have had their finger on the scale!) So, my guess is that we are somewhere between 24 and 25 pounds. At this time, Jackson is in the 83% for weight and 77% for height. Healthy boy!

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