Sunday, February 6, 2011

Annabelle's debut

The hospital were Annabelle was born was filming a commercial. They asked us if Annabelle could be in it. The commercial is supposed to tell the story of another baby that was delivered there a few months ago. Of course, we were super flattered that they wanted Annabelle to be in the commercial. Apparently, some of the nurses told the administrator about her - how beautiful she was, of course! So, Friday night, Russell, Annabelle and I headed back to the hospital for her debut. It was super easy. Everyone was very accomodating to us. They shot Annabelle's scenes as soon as we got there so we didn't have to stay on set for long. Annabelle didn't say a peep the entire time. She pretty much slept through the whole thing. We didn't mind all the cooing over her while we were there. When her scenes were over, the photographer and the videographer asked me to sit on the bed with her so they could get extra footage for us to have. They are going to send us a video and e-mail us all the pictures that were taken. At first, Russell was a little hesitant but I wanted to do it. When filming got started, he was making sure to get lots of videos and pictures with our camera and he was grinning from ear to ear the whole time. Needless to say, we are very proud parents!

1 comment:

Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

That's so fun!! You both look fabulous!

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