Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Da Da's new wheels and a very sick little man

It has been a rough week around here because our little man has not been feeling well. Poor guy has had ear infections nonstop for the past two months and now all the medications are causing terrible side effects. Fortunately, we saw the specialist who made Jackson top priority. We will be getting tubes in his ears next Wednesday. I never thought I would be excited about surgery for our baby boy but I know it will help him to get back to his happy little self. In the meantime, we have a terrible rash (which we think is a allergic reaction to medication) to get over. So, please keep Jackson in your prayers.

On a happier note, we have had lots of family time since we have decided not to send Jackson to daycare until we see improvement in his symptoms. We all (including Maggie) got into Russell's new truck. Jackson likes it because the backseat is bigger and he has more room. The new wheels have lots of fancy gadgets for i-pod, bluetooth and all kinds of other things. I am not into all that stuff so I couldn't tell you specifics. It also has a nice navigation system which I do understand since I am the "directions" person in the family. So, keep Jackson in your prayers and have a great week!


Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

Poor Jackson, I hope he feels better soon. I'm sure the tubes will bring him some relief. Jackson & Russell look very tough & manly standing next to that big truck!

The Hrachs said...

We're keeping Jackson in our prayers. I had tubes as a baby and they helped out soooo much. After I had them, I only had a couple of ear infections all through elementary school. I'm still prone to them (I had a really bad one when I was pregnant with Evan). But thank goodness for tubes. I'm sure my parents' life was miserable before them! Hang in there! We're thinking of you!

kandik22 said...

Poor sweet baby. I hope he feels better soon. I'll be praying for him.

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