Monday, February 1, 2010

Jackson's first day at daycare

I can't believe I have been home with my baby for 9 months and now it is time to take a big step. It is time to go to daycare. And, it is time for me to get back to work! I have decided to get onto the court appointment list for criminal cases and for attorney general child support cases. These last 9 months have been wonderful but I am really looking forward to putting my education back to good use! Being on the court appointment list should provide me with the flexibility to balance spending time with Jackson and getting out of the house. Russell and I also feel that Jackson could really benefit from spending time with other children and learning from the curriculum his daycare offers. (He is going to a Montessori school.)
I actually thought this morning would be easier than it was. I have been looking forward to working and having a little "me" time and I truly think Jackson needs the interaction with other children. He did great when we dropped him off. We stayed with him for a while to settle him in (which we were supposed to do on Friday but the school was closed due to the snowstorm). We finished up some paperwork and, before we left, I peeked back in. To my surprise, he was smiling and doing great . . . until he saw me. Next time I peeked in, he was crying. Ugh, why did I have to take another look! Anyways, I came home and enjoyed a cup of coffee and did some work. Then, I decided to check on him with the daycare cameras. I didn't see him so I did what I did not want to do, I called to check on him. The teacher said he had been crying but he was in his crib now (and wasn't crying anymore). I really want to go get him but Russell asked me to try and leave him until after lunch. So, I am going to try and get busy and hold off on picking him up until after lunch. I'll let you know how that goes . . .


Meryl & Russell McLendon said...

Hang in there! It is hard at first... but eventually, he will start having so much fun he will get mad when you take him away from his friends at daycare!

Good luck at work - you will do great!

The Hrachs said...

Ugh...I can only imagine what you are going through. Only 3 more weeks until I have to drop Evan off :(

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